
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Je Suis Charlie

At the moment the idea that "the pen is mightier than the sword" comes across as bravado, cliché -  but time & time again some bully sticks their head up for their 15 minutes of fame only to fade into the shadow of obscurity from which for whatever reason they slinked out of. Yet those who chose in whatever way to record, witness or report  remain forever within our hearts & minds. Just think of the writers, artists, poets & journalists who have lived on through their writing, their art. The pen may not be mightier than the sword at the point of contact but long after the bullies wrapped in their disguises have faded into a footnote on some historic report Charlie & all the Charlie's past and future will live on 

Je Suis Charlie - I Am Charlie


  1. Stu from winstonsdad has commented on this

  2. Wonderful tribute, Gary, to the power of writing and those who lost their lives yesterday.

    Also, I wanted you to know of this poetry site, if you don't already:

    It is the American Poetry Society, and I really love this site as well as the emails they send me. Probably you know of them already..xo

  3. Hi Bellezza, thanks & yes have spent lots of time exploring their site. If you want more poetry in your life the poetry foundation have an app to place upon your IPhone or Android based phone, it's a great way to discover new to oneself poetry.

  4. This is very well said Gary.

    Thanks for the reminder that it is the ideas that are expressed in a civilized way are the ones that endure in the end.

  5. Hi Brian
    Thanks, the horror & outrage being expressed on a worldwide scale by people regardless of their faith shows that people not only empathise with France at this point in time but also understand what these individuals/ groups/factions/bullies want to take away and the joke is without freedom of expression they wouldn't have been able to promote their cause & attract followers

  6. Great post. As I heard of the attack I thought I could see Proust trying to form a response and being left mute.

  7. Hi Mel, great idea, the only problem is he wouldn't be the only one.


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By Jiminy, I'll be Back!
Thanks, Parrish.