
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


   pomes  ALL SIZES 

Recently I posed the question “What is your favourite poem/poet ?” as part of The Blue Bookcase’s Literary Hop. What surprised me, apart from how difficult it was to nail it down to one poem, was how much i enjoyed it. By posing this question, with little thought beyond “That it seemed like a good idea!” & I was also curious about the state of poetry throughout the Blogworld, whether beyond a few specialist sites was there an interest for poetry?. Well, I got my answer, and damn my cynicism, poke my eyes out with  metaphors, line up an array of verbs, armed to the teeth with rhyme & simile & then plague my ears with onomatopoeia. I was wrong, no not quite right, I WAS WRONG, better, we did fantastic, even those sites that claimed not to like poetry, had poetry they loved. So..I got to thinking that as I enjoyed this a lot, I would post a poem every month, as a regular part of my blog, under the title POMES ALL SIZES, which is a title I’ve borrowed, nay stolen from Jack Kerouac, so it only seems fair that in payment I start with a poem from the man.
Born in Lowell, Massachusetts on the 12th March 1922, Jack Kerouac was  the youngest  child of French-Canadian immigrants from Quebec. Although better  known for his novels, Kerouac is also associated with poetry of the Beat movement, including spoken word. Kerouac wrote that he wanted "to be considered as a jazz poet blowing a long blues in an afternoon jazz session on Sunday”.
You get your just dues in
be indifferent to this
indifferent dog
(Yet, honest indifference
were better than cant)

When I hear pious
bullshit about justice
& democracy and I know
the hypocrites are lying
in their false teeth
I’m not indifferent to God,
I’m indifferent to
I cant think of anything
more ridiculous than me
on earth----
Oh, here's another little one, just because I liked it
Came down from my
ivory tower
And found no world.
                                                      Jack Kerouac.

If you have a Poem/ Poet, you admire please introduce them to me.


  1. wonderful choice to start with ,I love here the Kerouac spoken word on spotify ,recently found out on the road is finally getting made into a movie which should be great it is the same guy that directed the motorcycle diaries a couple of years ago ,all the best stu

  2. Thanks Stu, will check out Kerouac on spotify. & welcome back.

  3. I like the haiku :)
    A film of On the Road? Right! I must get back to it and finish it sooner than later then...

  4. @Orhedea: Thank you, Orhedea. I (as you probably realised) was surprised about the response, & as I've always loved poetry, yet in recent years, life's got in the way So this seems like a good way to reconnect & hopefully be introduced to new writers.


Welcome & a big hearty thanks for your comment. If I don't reply straight away, it means you've stumped me, left me dumb-founded! In fact utterly mumchance & discombobulated, but I will be back!
By Jiminy, I'll be Back!
Thanks, Parrish.