
Friday, November 2, 2012

The Natty Hat Competition Winner is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There has been a technical error, the random generator, that usually does this (my daughter), has had the audacity to grow up and go out to her friend’s birthday party in the eveninIMG_20120811_084850g, but luckily I managed to locate a back up device to perform this task…

Meet Islay my back up random generator, she is named after the Scottish island my favourite malt whisky comes from and although most people seem to think she’s cute, she is really a demon-hound in cute disguise.  Now to the result ----- The Winner of The Natty Hat Competition is   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mae.

As the winner she will receive a copy of Definitions by Octavian Paler, he was a poet, novelist, essayist, journalist and politician in Romania. This is a wonderful little book of Haiku-like poems.

Definition of a raindrop.

The lizards would tear it apart

thinking it was just a dead tear

if it hadn’t seeds of lightening within it.

My thanks to all who took part in this competition and added thanks to Judith for once again staging this giveaway & allowing me my delusions of grandeur.


  1. Congrats to Mae, and thanks Gary for yet another entertaining post. Now I do wonder how Islay drew the winner out of the hat. Full disclosure, please!

  2. How lovely to meet Islay, a lovely runner up to the original generator.

    Congratulations to Mae!

  3. Hi Judith getting her to pick was the easy part, getting back the result was where it got slightly problematic. This was where she decided that the games should begin & I think I can safely say that it was probably the first time that an adjudicator had to chase a random generator around a coffee table. Obviously in line with the seriousness of this giveaway, attempts to maintain a sense of decorum were tried, but alas I believe the demon-hound circumvented my usual high standards of impattial adjudication & I believe I sunk to a level of colourful profanity that would make a docker blush . I hope to be back to my normal self by the next giveaway as I've booked an intensive course of counseling for myself & the hound. Thanks once again for looking at my contribution through tinted lenses.

    Hi Bellezza, don't be fooled by the cuteness, she's a fully paid up member of the society of Demon- hounds & all their affiliations.
    Thanks for taking part.

  4. Congrats to Mae. Poetry is what I do.

  5. well done Mae ,all the best stu

  6. So sorry to hear your sense of decorum was compromised when getting back the result of the random draw.

    I suggest next time you leave off the profanities and try reading to the poor hound a piece of the book you were giving away. He may then understand that dignity is appropriate in the circumstances and pass the result to you without any further argument.

    I hope your consellour will get in touch with me before the next giveaway so we can draw up a plan of action for your next draw.


Welcome & a big hearty thanks for your comment. If I don't reply straight away, it means you've stumped me, left me dumb-founded! In fact utterly mumchance & discombobulated, but I will be back!
By Jiminy, I'll be Back!
Thanks, Parrish.